
TOP > 繁體中文 > 網站使用條款

All visitors to the website operated by International Interface Co., Ltd. (“International Interface”) (“the Website”) who use the Website (“Users”) or peruse the Website (“Readers”) shall be deemed to have agreed to the following Terms of Use.

Article 1. Disclaimer of Warranties
1. International Interface provides no warranties whatsoever with respect to any of the services provided on the Website (“the Services”) and the accuracy of the contents of articles and other material appearing on the Website. Further, it shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage attributable to use of any of the Services by Users.
2. International Interface provides no warranties whatsoever with respect to the non-inclusion of viruses or other harmful material in any of the information, articles, images and other contents of this Website, the non-accessing of the Website by unauthorized third parties, or otherwise as to the security of this Website.
Article 2. Prohibition of Reproduction of Information, etc.
1. All copyright in the data, articles, images and other material included in the Website belongs to International Interface and the creators of the images, etc. Except when International Interface judges that there are special circumstances, Readers may not reproduce images, data or programs from the Website in other websites, magazines, advertisements or other media.
2. In the event that information, etc. published on the Website is reproduced without permission in contravention of the preceding paragraph, action will be taken by International Interface against the offender in accordance with the Copyright Act (including warning, complaint, demand for compensation for damage, claim for injunction, and claim for measures for restoration of honor, etc.).
Article 3. Ownership of Rights
1. All of the rights in relation to all services, trademarks and trade names included in the Website and the services and products provided by International Interface and operators and others in business partnerships with International Interface and their accompanying technology in general belong to International Interface, the operators and others in business partnerships with International Interface, the proprietors of the technology, etc., the providers of the information and others, and Users, etc. may not engage in any conduct in infringement of such rights, etc.
2. Users, etc. may not engage in conduct as such that infringes or alters any of the programs, software, or other material included in the Website.
3. In the event that a dispute arises due to the infringement of the provisions of this Article, the User, etc. shall resolve such dispute at their own expense and under their own responsibility, and International Interface shall be exempt from liability in all cases.
Article 4. Compensation for Damage
1. In the event that a User, etc. causes damage to International Interface or a third party including the operators and others in business partnerships with International Interface in contravention of these Terms, any rules or guidelines included in the Website, or the provisions of laws and regulations, such User, etc. shall be responsible for compensating for the relevant damage, and in all cases, International Interface and third parties including the operators and others in business partnerships with International Interface, shall be exempt from liability.
2. If a User, etc. causes damage to International Interface, the operators and others in business partnerships with International Interface or a third party in contravention of Article 3, the User, etc. shall be liable to compensate for all damage incurred by International Interface, the operator and others in business partnerships with International Interface, and other Users, etc. or third parties.
Article 5. Agreed Court with Jurisdiction, etc.
1. In the event that any dispute arises between a User and International Interface in connection with these Terms, both parties shall engage in mutual consultations in good faith.
2. If the dispute is not resolved through the consultations referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction.
3. These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
Article 6. Users’ Conduct
1. If Users use this Website to transmit material, they shall be personally responsible for the contents of such transmissions.
2. International Interface provides the Services to Users via the Internet. All equipment, means of communication, software and the like for connecting to the Internet shall be installed and operated appropriately at the Users’ own expense and under their own responsibility. International Interface has no liability whatsoever with respect to such operation, etc.
3. Users shall agree that separate communication expenses and the like may be required for using or perusing the Services depending on the User’s Internet connection environment, etc., and all such communication expenses and the like shall be paid for by the relevant User.
4. Users shall acknowledge in advance that it may not be possible for a User to peruse or use parts of the Services depending on the User’s Internet connection environment, etc.
Article 7. Alteration of these Terms

International Interface may, due to its own reasons, revise the contents of these Terms as necessary without prior notice, and Users shall confirm the contents of these Terms each time they use the Website. When Users use any of the Services after revisions are made, they shall be deemed to have agreed to the revisions. International Interface shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to damage incurred directly or indirectly by Users or third parties attributable to their failure to check the Website page, regardless of the content or the circumstances.